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Hairy Highlander and Earthdrop team up

Hairy Highlander


It’s with great excitement to announce Hairy Highlander has partnered with Earthdrop founder Josh Donaldson, who through his incredible work, has built a social community of 1.7million strong, eco-legends, dedicated to making the world a better place.

Hairy Highlander and Earthdrop have a shared vision for the planet and an unwavering commitment to restoring our forests and improving the world around us.

Josh is an awesome guy, known locally as 'the forest-dwelling wildman who picks up rubbish'. Spotted often with a bag and a litter grabber in-and-around Scotland's woodland, he has committed his days to trying to make the outdoors a better, safer place for nature, passers-by and future generations.

Hairy Highlander is an eco, organic men’s grooming company built by a family of nature lovers. We believe in a green world overflowing with native woodlands.We pledge 10% of our annual profits to re-wilding with native trees and bushes that act as a refuge for our dwindling wildlife population.

It’s an honour to be working with such an inspirational guy doing such incredible things.

We have exciting ideas moving forward, watch this space

Hairy Highlander and Earthdrop founder's standing in the forests and mountains of Scotland

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